Thursday, November 21, 2013

Japanese Antiques- TSUBA

So what is a Tsuba? Tsuba is the hand guard in a sword. It is usually round or square depending on the design that can be found at the end of the grip of a bladed Japanese weapon, e.g. katana and samurai.

They include it in the weapon to balance it and to protect the hands of the one who will use it.

Samples of Tsuba
During the 1300's to 1603, tsubas were made for its functionality so they are being made with the strongest metals. But during the Edo Period, early 1600's to mid 1800's, there was already peace in Japan and so Tsubas became more ornamental in swords rather than its functionality so less practical materials. such as gold and copper, was used.

Nowadays, collectors had been purchasing antique tsubas as collection. There are wide varieties of tsuba and prices are depending on its age, thickness, materials and design. But beware of fakes they sell in low price.

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